Archive for March, 2011


Well, I think it’s safe to say that my bout of spring Startitis was a little less than fruitful. Not 3 weeks ago I had 3 pairs of socks on the go, 2 of which I showed you. The pink ones, the Pair of Hearts socks, were finished 1 month to the day before Silke’s birthday, and when she came over, I photographed them, and gave them to her. Thankfully they seem to fit quite well, and I’m very happy with how they turned out.

They were made out of Trekking, which is one of those yarns that I rarely think to work with when I see it in the yarn shops, but that when I do pick it up, I am smitten with it as I work. You would think this would eventually translate to me thinking to myself “Oooh! I like Trekking!” but sadly, so far it doesn’t seem to be sticking in my brain. Maybe noting it in the blog will work.

But that is where the finished projects end. My Make-Up socks lie uncomplete – the first one just needs to get the Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off treatment, and the second is halfway through the foot. And my Irate Squirrel socks? Still only halfway through the first leg. Instead I’m working on the Luna Moth shawl for my best friend, also named Jessica, because this is a project I’m being paid to do. I’m not charging a large amount for the shawl, she paid for the yarn, and I think I get to go shopping for some roving after it’s done as my payment. I’m making it out of Knit Picks yarn in Gloss Dk, and it’s a super easy, quick, beautiful project so far. I’ve never knit a shawl in such a heavy weight before, and I love it. Jess wanted something neutral but dark to throw over her shoulders for warmth and style in places like church, so we chose Coast Grey as the color. It’ll go with anything she has, and it’ll look stunning on her. I’ll be sure to photograph the heck out of it when it’s finished.

In baby news, Andrew is 4 months now, and the changes happen everyday! His newest favorite discoveries are rolling onto his left side, grabbing his toes, sticking out his tongue, and he finally really, really enjoys laying at his baby gym. He can put himself to sleep when he’s mellow; all he needs is a soother, or some toys to stare at as he drifts off. He’s eating rice pablum, and he’s in his Exersaucer now, which he loves! My favorite thing to watch him do is stand up on his tippy-toes in it. He wobbles a bit back and forth as he tries to learn about balance, before either tipping backwards or forwards, then he usually makes a joyful sound (still no laughing yet) and starts grabbing at or banging at his toys. Here’s a few choice photos. And as always, if you want to view some videos, my channel is 85bluedragonfly.

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Well, happy knitting! Hopefully next time I post I’ll actually have some finished object shots to show you…

March Knitting

It’s March in the Fraser Valley of Beautiful British Columbia, and I think like most residents, I’m chomping at the bit to see some color in our world again. With some snow in February (usually a rare occurance here) and then a pile of rain, well, I was in dire need of some color, and I suppose my knitting is reflecting that. Pictured above, on the left, is Pair of Hearts socks, knit in Trekking for my friend Silke. It’s her birthday present on her request, and though at first I was cringing at the thought of making a pair of Barbie pink socks, I have to say, I think I might be a bit hard pressed to give these away. They are going to be way too big for me though, so I guess I’ll have no choice but to give them up in the end. On the right though are socks for me, Make-Up Socks from the Joy of Sox book, and knit in Stroll. It’s another tedious knit-through-the-back-of-the-loop sock, which I seem to be drawn to (asthetically) these days, but always end up cursing myself while I’m making it. When this pair is done, I’ll be done with ktbl patterns for a little while I think. That bind off needs to be picked back though; it was a kitchener bind off, and is just not stretchy enough. I’m going try Jenny’s Suprrisingly Stretchy Bind Off (which Cat Bordhi happens to be a fan of, check out her YouTube channel for a how-to video) which I hear rave reviews over.

I also made and finished in one evening the Fawn Earflap Hat from Boutique Knits, which I gifted to myself for Christmas with some Chapters gift cards. The pattern also calls for ribbons and buttons, which I debated over adding, but decided against it. I love the hat as it is. It was knit out of some Unique Sheep chunky yarn, and my mother, gotta love her, did the crocheted slip stitch around the edge and saved the world from hearing me curse like a sailor while I attempted it myself.

Notice also the Vancouver Canucks hoody, which was a Valentine’s gift from Neil. I forewent flowers for something that would not only last longer, but also make me feel like a true fan while I’m watching the game.

Andrew is doing very well, he’s three and a half months old, and growing like a weed. I wish I had some more pictures to add, but at this time, I don’t. I’ll take a few in the next couple of days to show you. He’s trying to sit up though, and as of this morning is now reaching occassionally for toys! He’ll be ready for the Exersaucer soon! Still no laugh, but he’s getting very, VERY close to that! I’ll be sure to get some on video when it happens. If you’d like to see videos of the little critter, head to my YouTube channel, 85bluedragonfly

Tata for now! Happy knitting, and hopefully, happy spring colors will be in full bloom soon!

During the “Week of the Great Andrew Sleeps” I was able to finish the stockings. Andrew spent a whole week in huge blocks of naps and nighttime sleeps, so much so that I was not only able to finish the first stocking, but start and finish the second! I wanted them done in time for my dad’s 50th birthday party, as I planned to wear them with my new charcoal grey pencil skirt. Well, finish them I did, on the day of the party no less, but they just didn’t go. I did of course, snap a picture of them.

I also realized that I never showed finished object photos of the Heartland Lace Shawl for my mother that caused me so many problems.

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Mom graciously modelled the shawl on Christmas, when she finally received it. It’s huge! I’m so glad it’s finished and with her though, she wears it so well!

Also, Andrew reached 3 months old, and of course, you know I had to take pictures. He’s 14 weeks old now, and is growing like a weed. He weighs 14 pounds, and has discovered his thumb, his fist, and that he can make noises with his mouth when he’s happy, not just upset. The time is going by so quickly, I’m constantly pulling out the camera to make sure I get it all!


I’ll continue to update you on his progress, as well as the progress of my knitting, as often as I can actually give you something to read. I’m working on two sock projects right now, the Irate Squirrel socks by VeryBusyMonkey, and the Make-Up Socks from the Joy of Sox book. I’m using KnitPicks yarns for both of them, Autumn Heather Palette for the former, and Stroll in Lantana for the latter. So far, very happy with both patterns – the former is a top down and the latter is a toe up, so I’m getting the best of both worlds. Once there’s something worth photographing, I’ll take a picture and show you. Well, back to work for me! There’s a mountain of dishes with my name written all over them.

Ahh…the joys of motherhood!