Apparently, when I really put my mind to it, I can crank out the projects. Enter Bluebells Socks and the Milan Jacket for Andrew!

bluebells2   milanjacket2


The Bluebells socks were made with more of my Rancho Christmas yarn from Mom last year (I still have a couple skeins left I think) and the Milan Jacket was made with Shepherd Classic 100% wool and a few of those cute wooden toggle buttons.

A lot has happened since my last post. The first major thing of course, is that I knit. And I am still knitting too, I’m working on the second Irate Squirrel sock, which will be going to my friend Chelsea for Christmas. And I’d better get really busy on it too, because it’s November 30th, and yeah, Christmas is 25 days away! But the other major thing that happened was that Andrew turned 1!


He’s a very active, busy little guy at 1 years old. At 10 months old he essentially stopped being a baby and turned into a toddler, and it’s been one heck of a ride ever since. We have to keep the bathroom door closed, locks on the cupboards, and currently, an eye on him around the Christmas tree. He’s an excellent walker and runner, and he can go up the stairs like a pro. He climbs onto the couch and his sister’s bed, and he’s been weaned off the bottle and formula and drinks milk out of a sippy cup. He eats lots of different foods, and he even has a favorite television show which pretty much gets his undivided attention. In fact, he’s watching it right now while I blog!

He got spoiled rotten on his birthday, and Christmas is coming up too. We were careful not to buy the kids a lot for Christmas this year, because the amount of stuff we got last year was ridiculous. Between Morgan’s two families and all the people that wanted to welcome baby Andrew into the world, we could hardly pack the car afterwards. Each child got one big toy from us, and then there a few smaller items, but for the most part, the haul from Santa at our house will be small – mostly because we expect that the haul from elsewhere will NOT be so small. It’s going to be a busy Christmas as usual, but I’m looking forward to it. I’m pretty proud of myself too, by the end of November I had all the shopping done for the immediate family, and even a couple extended family members, the decorations are all up, and the Christmas cards are all done, some just need to be mailed or handed out In person. Decent progress, I think!

If I want to keep up progress however, I’d better be on my way. Socks need knitting, and a certain toddler needs breakfast when his show ends in 5 minutes. Happy knitting!