Jessica B is a 20-something mom-to-be who likes (is obsessed) with knitting, writing, and just about anything creative. She works a 9-5 job as a pharmacy technician, and has a wonderful spouse and 5 year old stepdaughter. When she’s not in her rocking chair with needles flashing and clacking, or curled up in bed with her latest book or journaling, you’ll find her out hiking, exploring nature, and practicing yoga.

You can find Jessica on ravelry under the following username: wcknitwit

Jessica has also branched out into knitwear design! You can find photos of these designs on ravelry under wcknitwit’s designs, or on Facebook at!/pages/Wcknitwits-Designs/134574653257026

If you would like to contact Jessica about the designs, about test-knitting, or if you just have questions or comments, you can email her at or find her on twitter, @bluedragonfly85.